The RESTART-19 research project

The RESTART-19 research project has already been underway for some time and has been able to uncover a number of important points that are essential for preventing new infections during a pandemic. These will be explained in more detail in the following. Due to the realistic simulation and the complex technique using contact tracing, realistic values could be determined, which are especially important for politicians to make well-founded decisions.

Menschen sitzen mit Contact Tracing Geräten zusammen
Contact Tracing was very important at RESTART-19!

Critical contacts

During the study it could be found out by means of the contact tracer that critical contacts, which last for several minutes, do not occur frequently. Compared to previous studies, these results are not surprising. This leads to the conclusion that a contact tracer can infect only very few people. In general, contacts lasting less than 1 minute on average do not need to be considered. A contact is only considered critical if it lasts for several minutes. This could be further minimized by the implemented hygiene regulations and a targeted steering of the persons.

Regulations for breaks and admission

Especially during the admission and during the breaks many contacts happen. These should be reduced to a minimum in order to be able to exclude critical contacts. Among other things, the entrance can be divided into several entrances to be able to prevent a larger crowd. Breaks are also an important time for the exchange of germs, as many visitors come together here. If only one entrance is used and people have to go through one door after entering the building, contact with different people is prevented. This rule can also be applied when leaving the building. During breaks, it is generally advised to spend them outside as there is less risk of infection.

Mandatory masks

A survey of attendees revealed that over 90% of respondents have no problem wearing a mask during an event. This is not insignificant, as they are particularly protective against infection. However, it can cause problems with breathing and communication. Therefore, it is important that event attendees have this knowledge as they can choose whether or not to attend the event wearing a mask. So, in any case, the mask requirement at an event should always be clearly displayed so that potential attendees are aware that wearing a mask is mandatory.

Compliance with the hygiene concept

So if the hygiene concept is adhered to, a pandemic is not favored by large events. However, consistent adherence to the measures is essential here, otherwise an event can quickly develop into a potential risk. In addition, the concept should also be successful in practice and not just work in theory. An important point here would be, among other things, trained personnel who have to ensure compliance with such a concept. This is the only way to eliminate potential risks and make large-scale events possible.

Ventilation technology

Ventilation is also an important factor, which should be considered in any case. Thus, the system should be sufficiently large dimensioned, and constantly supply the air in the event area with fresh air. For this purpose, the systems often have to be distributed not only over the entire event complex, but also inside the halls. Good ventilation is absolutely essential for a safe event. So, if an event is to be held indoors, it is important that they are adequately supplied with fresh air.

Seating plan

A seating plan can also protect against potential infection chains. Not only can you prevent many people from sitting close to each other, but you can also trace a potential chain of infection and thus break it. In an event complex that is housed in many halls, there can be a lot of mixing of people. This must be kept to a minimum. Good planning of the flow and the right signage ensure that all guests get to their places easily and do not need any detours.